My autobiography 

Hi! i'm Pablo, i'm from Curacaví. a town between Santiago and Valparaíso, it's so small, my birthday is may 21. I finished high school in 2017 in the “Curacaví College” school . Later I started to Study Design in the “Universidad de Chile” i’m in my second year.

Now i’m living in Santiago de Chile, my family is formed by me and my mom, but  I don’t living with her. I’m living alone in macul since the last year, but i got used. At the beginning, living alone was hard but now it’s bearable.

My life has changed a lot since 2018, I have known new persons who are so nice, I have been so many adventures in the city, now I know so many streets from west to east and north to south.


  1. Woooou! Is amazing your life, Curacaví is a beautiful town. I hope visit your town.


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